
28? How did that happen?!?!

Today I turned 28. How did that happen?! I remember being a kid and thinking I would never hit 18 because time moved so slow. Now, I'm trying to figure out how to slow time down because 50 is coming too soon! This hallmark in life also means my 10 year high school reunion is coming. Ugh! I still feel like a teenager most days but then I look in the mirror and feel like screaming in horror. "Who in the heck is that fat chick looking back at me?!? " Oh yeah, that's me *sigh* I've decided(for the 10th time) I'm going to make a change and find the new me. Goodbye delicious Paula Deen butter infused food, goodbye soda......I may actually cry over that. Dr.Pepper has been a good doctor to me and has always made me feel better. Downside, he hasn't made me look better. Crap. So starting tomorrow I'm eating healthy and going to use my elliptical for something besides a toy for my sister's kids. So I thought making a blog and putting out to the public might...